Operator overloading in C

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Member level 3
May 24, 2004
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operator overloading for union

Dear friends,
Somebody asked me in interview that
1) how operator loading can be implemented in C. Give any example...
2) Give an example of Union Application
3) Give an example of function pointer s use...


Look to the "Thinking in C++" book which is free and available on the internet .
The 1 only relevant to C++
Others are related to both C and C++

Sorry but C is a structural or procedural oriented hence operators cannot be overloaded.try C++.

Here is the syntax in C++

<return type> operator<operator>(arguments)

the question tells that u r new to C++
i would suggest "let us C++" by yashwant kanetkar to get thorough with the basics of cpp

Dear friends,
Somebody asked me in interview that
1) how operator loading can be implemented in C. Give any example...
>> this is related to c++ only
2) Give an example of Union Application
>> union can be used for storing the data when you are writting some structure in which based upon pror value you have to fill state of object like
struct test{
int i;
union condition{
char c;
int d;
suppose i = 0 then condition will having value of char otherwise int then you can write it like this.

3) Give an example of function pointer s use...
>> The best example of function pointer is for the implimentation of FSM(finite state machine).

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