OPENMORE excel spreadsheet

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Full Member level 1
Dec 12, 2001
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openmore spreadsheet

Do you now have to pay to obtain this (from vsia) now that it's been rolled into their 'qip' package?

If so, could someone upload the last freely distributable version that used to be available from

dear beetroots,

those guys at VSIA-OpenMORE site... what can i say...
no longer free stuff there is. Full membership for individuals has annual cost of $1000!!!!

And above all, all references that once where to the OpenMORE spreadsheet template, seem to be removed.

However, i believe that the "Component Design by Example" VHDL book from Ben Cohen has the OpenMORE spreadsheet filled for his UART example, and another file: "openmore.xls" which COULD be the original template (not sure).

It is worthy to get hands-on at least...

Please, if anyone has the old/free OpenMORE stuff, lets share!!!

This unearthly behavior reminds me of some GPL or LGPL projects going commercial. And more than this, reminds me of the company people claiming that they "did get rid of the original GPL'ed code".

Which is probably (((NONSENSE))) since you never get to see their new/improved/non-GPL'ed code AFTERALL!!!

since it's gone commercial! (like going berzerk in Duke Nukem!)

i love elektroda. i am glad i have shared my thoughts.

awaiting for your thoughts too!

the_penetrator_in_majoris_extremis@ like in Canis Majoris

Here's openmorefpga.xls from Cohen's 'Real Chip Design and Verification book', which may be of some use to someone.

I guess VSIA charge so much to try and get companies to join as members - it's cheaper to join than to purchase a document.

Can anyone comment on their qip sreadsheet - is it actually available?

i'll certainly give that a look! thanks.

I believe that VNcheck tool from TransEDA tool has something to do with OpenMORE ratings.

Anyone that has used that tool?

thanks again


I don't think this openmore is so important in real engineering projects. Maybe will be widely in the furture, but now, just immature.

Attached is the full openmore spreadsheet, and the link to the RMM upload.

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