I've used separate installations of Xschem, ngspice and
klayout to turn out an IC product. That was a few years
ago now. Meanwhile the ecosystem has been bundling
up tools for these tiny tapeout, open lane, kind of portals
and the budles seem to contain my faves, plus stuff I do
not care about (but others might).
I don't like being "contained" and am suspicious of all the
"dockers" which seem to change "who's on top" pretty
often and I've bounced off one or two which just made a
mess / crappy playpen that couldn't see parts of the
filesystem. So I'd appreciate any warnings about that
kind of thing.
Does anyone think any of these "portal" suites are worth
taking up and pruning down, and are free of proprietary
"glue code" (i.e. nothing that ties me to one specific foundry,
in the fine print)? Or do they just add "stuff to navigate
through" that doesn't help get a chip design done, particularly?