74hc open collector
Don't be :|
I am not sure where you are but please remember that while some of us are working during the day, some are sleeping at night.
You didn't mention the 'C', 'HC', 'AC', 'HCT' and other families in your original post so we are both right. The base 74 series is all bipolar though.
You are correct about not damaging OC outputs by connecting them to ground, that is one of the reasons they are used.
If you imagine the output pins of two non-OC devices connected together, if one turned the top output transistor on to drive its output pin high and the other turned the bottom transistor on to drive its pin low, the two conducting transistors would burn out. They would be in series directly across the VCC to ground rail and both turned on.
Now look at it with OC pins, only the pull-up resistor can source current so provided it has a sensible value, the current is limited and the devices are safe. Either device can pull the line low safely and they can both pull low at the same time safely. OC is often used in situations where there are many devices connected this way, it is called wire-OR configuration because it mimics the logic OR function.