opamp IC getting little bit hot

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Junior Member level 2
May 26, 2013
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helloo friends...this a nice plat form to share our knowledge and to learn also...i have a problem ...i am uasing opam TL082 IC operating voltage +15 and -15 as an inverting amplifier ...the ic is getting little bit heat...not so much hot..but a little bit hotter than other IC...please suggest me the reason for this ..is this normal...or no??

Electronic heat is due to V x I x t

So one or more of these parameters large enough to cause your heat.
For typical apps in signal processing, the IC would run cool, unless something was incorrectly designed or implemented.

Why don't you post your circuit so we can better understand why/ what is causing the heat ?

IC is getting warm ...i am using the simple non inverting amplifier configuration of opamp..iam using TL082 IC..how can i measure the current drawn by the IC..??

Why don't you post your circuit so we can better understand why/ what is causing the heat ?

A very small resistance on output, or sometimes a high capacitive load leading to oscillations could be causing the trouble.
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Ok first of all as kripacharya said it will be better if put your circuit diagram.... Second to measure the current you need to put ammeter in series with load and pin no 1 ..... What is value of load that you are driving ( I mean resistance value at output)......

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