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OPAMP Behavior Modeling

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Full Member level 5
Oct 13, 2004
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simulink opamp

Can anyone provide a schematic that can model behavior of an actual OPAMP (finite GBW and Gain)?


simulink model op-amp

I attach MATLAB/SIMULINK behavior model of OPAMP

model a opa with veriloga

hi guys,
probably this is naive..
how to use the simulink with this model.. i have no idea...

simulink op amp

First you need to have simulink installed in Matlab, otherwise it will not work. Once you have installed, you can open the file and you will see blocks where you can changes its parameters. You can run and see the output response and so on.

You can actually do all this in Cadence by using Verilog-A and ModelWriter to model Op-amp with all its parameters and use spectre to do DC, AC, ... simulation.

simulink modell operationsverstärker

Why not implement it in Hspice?

simulink model of op-amp

well, actually I failed to open this file in Simulink/Matlab, too.
I am wondering what this files type (.rar) is. Is this some compressed file?

opamp behavioral model

Yea you need a program such as WinRAR to uncompress the file

model an opamp in simulink

unfortunately, when i opened the file in simulink (through matlab.. of course), it gave me an error:

cannot find: powerlib2.mdl

i think i may not have the version 5 which the version of the file uploaded.
if i am wrong, let me know.
- vats

pi opamp

By 3 vcvs , 2 resistors and 2 capacitors u can model a 2-pole opamp.

R1 and C1 determine pole1, p1=1/(2*pi*R1*C1)
R2 and C2 determine pole2, p2=1/(2*pi*R2*C2)
by choosing p1 and p2, u can determine UGB

verilog modelling of op amp

By the way, it is easy to develop singal-ended into differential structure if needed.

op amp simulink

To srivatsan
I suceede to open the file.
Maybe u need SimPowerSystems Toolbox

simulink models of opamp

Thanks xuel. It seems that for differential input and output you simply have two copies of it and connect them to common ground. How would you go about modeling differential input with single ended output?


opamp simulink

ccw27 said:
Thanks xuel. It seems that for differential input and output you simply have two copies of it and connect them to common ground. How would you go about modeling differential input with single ended output?


I think just connect the negtive input of the first vcvs source in my figure to your negetive input pin can realize a differential input single ended output amp

operational amplifier simulink model

in fact, in the artist, if you use the verilog_A, you will find the idea model about OPA.

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