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opa hspice
from hspice demo file for OPA optimal design
and I simulation it on Hspice , will find 2 file tr0 & tr1 , why create 2 output file , and if manay W/L can meet optimal speci , hspice will point_out best ? or not
and may I use print to print out best circuit W/L ?
===== original file =================
*OPA design device want to optimal W/L
+ optimize the amp for minimum/100ns delay(both edge)/100ua + average output current/
+ /for capacitive load
.param area='4*wm1*lm + wm5*lm
+ wm6*lm + wm7*lm'
vx 1000 0 area ==> what is it ??
rx 1000 0 1k ==> what is it ??
.param wm1=opt1(60u,20u,100u) wm5=opt1(40u,20u,100u)
+ wm6=opt1(300u,20u,500u) wm7=opt1(70u,40u,200u)
+ lm=opt1(10u,2u,100u) bias=opt1(2.2,1.2,3.0)
.tran 2.5n 300n sweep optimize=opt1
+ results=delayr,delayf,tot_power,area_min model=opt
.model opt opt close=100 itropt=10
.tran 2n 150n
.measure delayr trig at=0 targ v(voutr) val=2.5 rise=1 goal=100ns weight=10
.measure delayf trig at=0 targ v(voutf) val=2.5 fall=1 goal=100ns weight=10
.measure tot_power avg power goal=10mw weight=5
==> calculate should use p(vdd) ??
.measure area_min min par(area) goal=1e-9
.print v(vin+) v(voutr) v(voutf)
from hspice demo file for OPA optimal design
and I simulation it on Hspice , will find 2 file tr0 & tr1 , why create 2 output file , and if manay W/L can meet optimal speci , hspice will point_out best ? or not
and may I use print to print out best circuit W/L ?
===== original file =================
*OPA design device want to optimal W/L
+ optimize the amp for minimum/100ns delay(both edge)/100ua + average output current/
+ /for capacitive load
.param area='4*wm1*lm + wm5*lm
+ wm6*lm + wm7*lm'
vx 1000 0 area ==> what is it ??
rx 1000 0 1k ==> what is it ??
.param wm1=opt1(60u,20u,100u) wm5=opt1(40u,20u,100u)
+ wm6=opt1(300u,20u,500u) wm7=opt1(70u,40u,200u)
+ lm=opt1(10u,2u,100u) bias=opt1(2.2,1.2,3.0)
.tran 2.5n 300n sweep optimize=opt1
+ results=delayr,delayf,tot_power,area_min model=opt
.model opt opt close=100 itropt=10
.tran 2n 150n
.measure delayr trig at=0 targ v(voutr) val=2.5 rise=1 goal=100ns weight=10
.measure delayf trig at=0 targ v(voutf) val=2.5 fall=1 goal=100ns weight=10
.measure tot_power avg power goal=10mw weight=5
==> calculate should use p(vdd) ??
.measure area_min min par(area) goal=1e-9
.print v(vin+) v(voutr) v(voutf)