Op Amp Subckt in Spectre

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Newbie level 5
Aug 14, 2013
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Hello all, I'm trying to simulate an Op Amp using Spectre/Analog Environment but I can't get the subckt file syntax right. I'm hoping someone can please take a look at my model file and errors (screen capture is attached), and help me figure out how to get my simulation to run properly.



I have the impression that the model lines should be outside your subckt.
Could you give it a try?

Hi Chris, thanks for the suggestion. I pulled the two "model" statements under the "end" statement but it still kicked back the same error. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Subckt Model File:
simulator lang=spectre
SUBCKT UA741    (1 2 3 4 5)
+ C1   11 12 4.664E-12
+ C2    6  7 20.00E-12
+ DC    5 53 DX
+ DE   54  5 DX
+ DLP  90 91 DX
+ DLN  92 90 DX
+ DP    4  3 DX
+ EGND 99  0 POLY(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 .5 .5
+ FB    7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 10.61E6 -10E6 10E6 10E6 -10E6
+ GA 6  0 11 12 137.7E-6
+ GCM 0  6 10 99 2.574E-9
+ IEE  10  4 DC 10.16E-6
+HLIM 90 0 VLIM 1K
+Q1   11  2 13 QX
+Q2   12  1 14 QX
+R2    6  9 100.0E3
+RC1   3 11 7.957E3
+RC2   3 12 7.957E3
+RE1  13 10 2.740E3
+RE2  14 10 2.740E3
+REE  10 99 19.69E6
+RO1   8  5 150
+RO2   7 99 150
+RP    3  4 18.11E3
+VB    9  0 DC 0
+VC 3 53 DC 2.600
+VE   54  4 DC 2.600
+VLIM  7  8 DC 0
+VLP  91  0 DC 25
+vln 0 92 dc 40
ends UA741
model DX D(IS=800E-18 Rs=1)
model QX NPN(Is=800E-18 Bf=93.75)
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I don't see the use of the '+' character at the beginning of each line
I think you could also remove the parenthesis around the pins of your UA741 subckt

Let me know

I ensured all the '+' symbols were inserted. I also removed the parenthesis from the pins but I'm still getting the same error : /

I've never used Spectre before, but I did notice that line 42: +vln 0 92 dc 40 is the only one in lower case and a web search indicates case-sensitivity, but I'm not sure how it's exactly case sensitive.

Try changing line 42 to +VLN 0 92 DC 40 instead

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