Op-amp part replacement comparison


Advanced Member level 1
May 10, 2020
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The current schematic is for analog output. Thus they use an amplifier / OPAMP.

If you want a digital output ... you first have to modify the schematic ... then you may use a comparator.

comparators and OPAMPS are different devices, made for different operating modes.
* a comparator never has negative feedback. But it may have positive feedback (to generate a hysteresis).
* an OPAMP never uses positive feedback. (It would cause the circuit to act as a comparator with hysteresis. But then use a comparator IC, since many OPAMPS are not designed to operate as a comparator). A OPAMP amplifier circuit always uses negative feedback.


Its more complicated than the above :

Using OpAmps as comparators (sometimes advantageous) - https://www.analog.com/media/en/training-seminars/tutorials/MT-084.pdf

Its more complicated than the above :
What exactly does the video show ... that is "more complicated" than what I have written?

Using OpAmps as comparators (sometimes advantageous)
Can you please point out where exactly the document refers to something "advantageous"?


More alluding to one could envision considerations. Maybe to help more
completely this discusses both advantages and disadvantages (like DC and
Vos inaccuracies in most comparators) -

MT084 ap note did allude to using leftover OpAMP as a comparator for costs savings.

One can also think in terms of low noise OpAmps having an advantage over comparators.
And of course one can get power OpAmps which would make a good power comparator.
I googled power comparators to see if there are any of significance, biggest I 'found was
360 mA output current. OpAmps I found > 10A.

The video establishes one can use +fdbk as long as net is negative, linear operation (excluding
some osc topologies which utilize + fdbk).


The OP wants do discuss the use of a COMPARATOR instead of an OPAMP in a cricuit with 100% negative feedback.
So the use of an OPAMP with positive feedback is not the OP´s topic at all.

Sadly it was me who brought in the phrase
an OPAMP never uses positive feedback
... in the section with the headline "Generally" .. where I just wanted to give a brief information about the differences between OPAMP and COMPARATOR circuits.

OFF TOPIC from here


I neither can find the words "advantage", nor "benefit", nor "leftover", nor "cost", nor "offset", nor "VOS" ... what do I need to search for?
Maybe my PDF search function does not work.

The document starts with:

and ends with:
Operational amplifiers are not designed to be used as comparators, so this tutorial has been,
intentionally, a little discouraging.

and in the following:
So is the document meant for newbies ... or rather for experienced designers?

One can also think in terms of low noise OpAmps having an advantage over comparators.
The output of a comparator .. as well as of an OPAMP with positive feedback is digital HIGH/LOW ... how much impact has the input noise to the output?
How can one measure it?
I do understand the noise measurement of an OPAMP ... in it´s "usual" operation mode as an amplifier. But have no idea how it can be measured on a comparator with hysteresis.
Comparator datasheets don´t talk much about noise ... but due to their lower open loop gain (compared to OPAMPs) .. doesn´t the input referred noise has less impact on the output than at an OPAMP?

And of course one can get power OpAmps which would make a good power comparator.
I googled power comparators to see if there are any of significance, biggest I 'found was
360 mA output current. OpAmps I found > 10A.
I don´t understand how is this related to
* the OP´s question
* the documents you refer to



I neither can find the words "advantage", nor "benefit", nor "leftover", nor "cost", nor "offset", nor "VOS" ... what do I need to search for?
Maybe my PDF search function does not work.

Yes it appears they did not use your words, or as you pointed out your self limiting search for a term,
and not reading the
document, well meaning I am sure, but crippling. Did you do the same for the
second doc -

The output of a comparator .. as well as of an OPAMP with positive feedback is digital HIGH/LOW ... how much impact has the input noise to the output? How can one measure it?

Histogram over time. Use Vref with low noise, compare with noise generator with offset, and create histogram.
Or bias comparator into linear region to look at self generated noise spectrum....

Can you please point out where exactly the document refers to something "advantageous"?

Above not OP related, just adding to your “advantageous” quest.



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Yes it appears they did not use your words, or as you pointed out your self limiting search for a term,
and not reading the
document, well meaning I am sure, but crippling. Did you do the same for the
second doc -
Sorry, it was not "my words" ... it was the words you gave. And since I did not find the information .. I even expanded the search with similar words.

Again you show an aggressive attitude when I ask simple questions about informations you gave. Why?
I took your informations seriously, did read through the documents and your posts, asked for details, asked for help.
I asked for "exact locations" in the document where the "advantageous" use of an OPAMP is written. (A simple answer could be: "Page#6, bottom")
I took effort in finding the location on my own. I did not find them ... so I asked for help.
What´s wrong with asking for help?

Still I can´t find the part where it gives the "several reasons to use OPAMPs as comparators".
Call me dumb, call the PDF search dumb ... which page is it in? Is this asking too much? Without getting back a disrespectful attitude...

I don´t think that my posts were disrespectful.
Mainly I asked for your assitance to clarify things you wrote and how they fit to the informations in the linked documents.

Which "second doc" are you referring to?
--> You twice gave a link to the same MT-084 doc. And the other link guides me to a 50 minutes long video
In which post is the link? Or do I have to follow links within the linked pages? Is it asking too much.. for a smiple clear answer? ... without attitude?

Histogram over time. Use Vref with low noise, compare with noise generator with offset, and create histogram.
Or bias comparator into linear region to look at self generated noise spectrum....
I understad this setup... (hopefully)
But how can the use of an external noise source .. find out the internal noise of the OPAMP_comparator?

And... as far as I understand .. you can´t get an OPAMP_with_positive_feedback .... into linear region. Please explain how this can be done. (without being upset and unfair)
This is as serious meant question ... for me and others to learn new things.
I understand that for you - who know how these things work - it may be an annoying and stupid question.

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My error, second doc attached.

And... as far as I understand .. you can´t get an OPAMP_with_positive_feedback .... into linear region. Please explain how this can be done. (without being upset and unfair)

I posted MIT video with the following comment :

I had no idea this would cause you to conclude I am aggressive, that I am adverse to a forum discussing
engineering and focused on delivering ACCURATE info. Occasionally I get corrected, I consider that a
best in class process. But all these psychological conclusions of my intent and interpretation not really
useful here. I will go out on a limb and post you are not qualified in that department. Correct me if I am
wrong about this.....

The MIT video seems to me to state that NET negative feedback is desired, eg. that one can have both
positive and negative feedback and have a linear result. What "triggered" me was your statement :

Highlight an OPAMP never uses positive feedback.
I understand that for you - who know how these things work - it may be an annoying and stupid question.

More psychological

The rest of your non OP or topic discourse I will leave for


  • AN-849.pdf
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Your attitude is outstanding!

You miss to post the link .. and then you accuse people for not reading this document!

Highlight an OPAMP never uses positive feedback.
... and you intentionally ignored what I wrote thereafter.
"It would cause the circuit to act as a comparator with hysteresis...."
And that´s exactly what the MIT video shows.
In the first quarter of the video they said "it makes bang bang to either supply rail ... later we will try to make some useful funtion"
And the whole last thrid they disccussed a "a comparator with hysteresis...." (Compare this with what I have written)


The video shows that NET negative feedback, eg (POSfdbk - NEGfdbk) results in stable final value if that
difference is <=0.

Appeal to others on forum group, watch MIT video and confirm/deny my observation is in error.

The video shows that NET negative feedback, eg (POSfdbk - NEGfdbk) results in stable final value if that
difference is <=0.

(POSfdbk - NEGfdbk) <=0

simply means .. the negative feedback dominates....

--> I did never disagree. (You are free to show the people WHERE I disagreed to this. I bet you can´t ... because I did not)


results in stable final value
Is an OPAMP with positive feedback ... I.e. a comparator with hysteresis considered "unstable"?

--> I did never disagree to that. (You are free to show the people WHERE I disagreed to this. I bet you can´t ... because I did not)


I see no need for all these filters, an Op Amp or a comparator unless you state some useful output specifications like PW50 = 1 ms max, centred on transition, active low. My design may be preferred for glitch filtering, resistor stress reduction, and simplicity. However, you will get better advice with design specs like purpose and PW.

You can reduce PW50 to 1us if it was necessary with an XOR gate with RC delay as a 1-shot comparator on a sine wave.
--- Updated ---

I intended the 5.6 uF cap to be 1 uF ceramic and the design here works from 0.1 uF to 1mF+

There is no need to choose Line, Neutral with this differential design and will work on 120Vrms 60Hz..
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