op amp- differential amp learning - question

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In the same way as inverting amplifier is calculated from wanted gain Vout/V.

How do get the value Vout = -V(R3/R1)

how the resistance calculated so .. R3/R1 ?
If you connect V2 to ground, then the circuit becomes a simple inverter with Vout = -V1(R3/R1).
And only thing left to you is to first select R1 or R3 and then calculate other resistor.

A balanced differential amp. Uses R4=R2 and R4/R2=R3/R1

For single supply , the R2 is not grounded but tied to a lower impedance Vcc/2.

There are many other uses for introducing level shift and gain, but the key to remember is (+) = (-) input always in the linear range, not withstanding input offsets.
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