In the first picture a spice model for a real inductor in a 0805 package, taken from coilcraft, is illustrated. (As you can see there is a frequency dependent resistor modeling skin effect).
If we try to make an equivalent impedance having only a resistance Rs and a reactance Xs, we will end up with both a frequency dependent resistor (that shows the resistance Rs) and a frequency dependent inductor (that shows the reactance Xs). Furthermore the inductor will have negative value beyond self resonance - effectivelly it becomes a capacitor.
Zeff=Rseff + j*Xseff=Rseff(f) + j*w*Leff(f)
So if we have an inductance in series with a resistance (no matter whether they are frequency dependent), the Unloaded Q (or component Q) is given by Q=Xseff/Rseff.
Using the following equations in Genesys I took the plots shown in the second picture:
USING Linear1.Coilcraft
I used abs() in Q because after self resonance Q returned a negative value (because the inductor becomes capacitor). The freq is in MHz.
As we can see, Q is zero in self resonance. Furthermore, Leff reaches a maximum value BEFORE self resonce, then starts to decrease, it becomes zero , and then continues symmentrically..However, if the resistance in the model is decreased to zero, then the plot becomes more and more steep(is it the right word??). That is, Leff asymptotically reaches infinity (not just a max value), and after resonance suddenly (and this is a singularity or discontinuity)it becomes -infinity.
Please report me if you find any inconsistencies.