Offline SMPS: Y capacitors taken back to witch bit of earth? And pre or post rectifier?

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In an offline SMPS, as you know you have Y capacitors going from Primary nodes to earth ground.
Should all the Y capacitors connect back to the bit of earth ground that's connected to the earth input wire?

Sometimes you get Y capacitors which connect to earth node copper, that connects via a screw to the earthed chassis….but that does not actually connect via PCB copper back to the earthed PCB copper that connects to the actual earth input wire. Is this wrong?

Also, most often, these capacitors go from a node upstream of the mains rectifier to earth ground. In what circumstances would you choose to connect the y capacitor from a primary node downstream of the mains rectifier to earth ground?


Afaik, if there is a touchable metal chassis then it needs to be connected to true Earth Ground.

"Metal chassis" and "safety isolation" contradict each other in most cases.

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