Thanks, its two half kind of "full wave"...also, you only go through one diode at a time ...not two diodes in series like in a full wave bridge, which mean wasted power.
Regulation for each of the output rails will be very tight, unlike a two coil secondary on a single flyback where there will be coupling issues.....and the rails may wander apart.
It does duplicate...but that means for a 75W offline flyback, you now need no heatsinks on the diodes or fets...unlike a single 75W flyback where it'd be adviseable to heatdsink the semi's.
If the output power was say could use the 2 flybacks as shown (wit a bit of variation of components etc).......and this would be less custom magnetics than eg a two transistor forward.......2 tran forward, ayk, needs custom transformer, custom output inductor, and custom high side drive well as two fets on primary and two fets on secondary.
Ayk, 180w would usually need a PFC, but not any case, the same method as shown could be used with dual PFCs.