Ocean script - How to run with different initial conditions

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Newbie level 4
Jan 3, 2011
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I'm a very new to scripting with Ocean and I will really appreciate any help
I need to measure some parameters and to examine its behavior for different initial conditions.

For now I just run it from Virtuoso and did Dile->Save script. I aslo manage to load it from CIW by "load("ocean_script.ocn") and to see the results in output file.

Here are few questions:
1. How can I run this script for different nodesets?
For now I have converge( 'nodeset "/Vpm" "vdd" ) and I don't know how

2. How can I in output file to distinguish the results of different nodeset? I guess some print to output but I don't know how to insert it for each run.

Thank you for your help

1. How can I run this script for different nodesets?
For now I have converge( 'nodeset "/Vpm" "vdd" ) and I don't know how
I can't understand what you want to mean by this sentences at all.

2. How can I in output file to distinguish the results of different nodeset?
I guess some print to output but I don't know how to insert it for each run.
I can't understand what you want to mean by this sentences at all.

(1) Describe what you want to do correctly and in detail.
(2) Show me your OCEAN Scripts.

You probably want to just make duplicate files (or perhaps
entire run dirs) with the relevant lines changed. If you were
doing this for many, many conditions you might elect to make
a PERL (or whatever) script that works from a single "run
settings" file and creates a new runfile for each line.

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