[SOLVED] ocean script : device list

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Junior Member level 3
Aug 5, 2014
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hi to all engeners!

does anybody know how to get a list of all trasistor names ?

Using ocean script or skill. I want to make a script which will be versatile for different project.

So you want to create a program that shows possible models as you select the transistor properties?

Some manufacturers offer product filters in their pages, but just for ICs and a few models of transistors since no every transistor model is manufactured by all the trademarks.

Some manufacturers are Vishay, IR (international rectifier) and Intersil, those three offer several models.

The other way is searching it on google, like "transistor models list".

Good luck with that, you can also add more kind of components such as ICs, diodes, etc.

Hi BrunoARG,

actually I try to make a program which find every Mosfet in circuit and write id,gm,gds,vds,vdsat and so one. I have many test circuit and I dont want rewrite script because some transistor has a different name.

As I thought, a search engine, basically.

I don't know if there's a list comparing MOSFETs, but you can make your own one... most product filter start that way, someone has to do the hard job, and I think it's you this time.

Start looking for mosfet datasheets where you can find those characteristics like IDSS, VGS, VDS, RDSon, etc.

You can also ask other users for help doing that list.

I've never tried to do this in Ocean. Back when we had cdsSpice
you could just 'probe op *' and sit back and enjoy the text-blizzard;
I'm sure a postprocessing script could eliminate the op attributes
you don't care for, if you stuffed the output to a file.

But how (or whether) you'd get Ocean to cough up the same, I
do not know. There might be an "annotate" type option that
causes OP results to report in detail, within ADE; check that too.

Hi guys, I have solved my problem. I just modify script to be more universal.

First I manualy write device list and change netlist directory and then in script I use foreach cycle.

Much better than manualy rewrite all array and variable in every project.

Thanks guys and have a nice day

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