Got it. I agree with you.
Klaus, can you tell me is this package specification or every resister has specific voltage value.
What i want to say is,
I say it is package specification/family specification. Not related to resister value.
Resister's purpose is current limit/control (basic purpose), so, specifications needs to be considered are current & power handling.
For a 2 Ohms resister, and 200 Ohms resister in same family(0.25W), actual operational voltage will be different (SQRT(power*R)). But maximum voltage will be same.
For a resister, current, Resistance & power specifications will define indirectly voltage specifications(for operation).
"Does this mean that even at 1uA the resistor cannot handle anything beyond ~16v?"
@ 1uA with 1K resistance , V=IR = 1mV is the voltage drop across. You consider powers @ 1uA with 1K - power disspated = 1nW, it can handle many times more power than this.
please take more care more about power dissipation, unless these resisters used in high voltage transient environments,
In that case consider worst case transient across resister (across is must) and frequency of transients - then calculate transient thermal characteristics like what will be the average power, temperature rise with such frequency of transients.