Object tracking using FPGA doubts.

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Apr 8, 2013
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I am making this project on "object tracking using FPGA" for a school term. We basically plan to use a camera ( VGA) which would input a video, which will be framed. The frames will be processed by FPGA to track the object, calculate its trajectory and output it to a display device. So the way i see to go about it is this:
Simulate the algorithm in MATLAB ( to check image procesing algo's) and convert it into VHDL in XIlinx ISE and download it to FPGA. which may also be configured with an external memory to store frames.
Q1. I want to know if this is the most optimal way to go about it? or a faster/better way is possible?
Q2. Secondly, will spartan 2 be sufficient for this?


1. Sounds good to me. Good luck. Will it be a static camera or moving camera? When you are talking about storing frames - is that for video capture or as video input?
2. Why such an old device? you could probably do it though, depending on your algorithm.
Thank you. Well we plan to use a static camera for now. By moving, do you mean like if the object goes out of camera frame, then it moves to track it further ( like pan tilt mechanism)? We might add that mechanism. But not sure of that now.
Framing would be done for video capture. I ideally want this project to be real time processing. Do you think, spartan 2 would be a bad choice? thats what we have availlable for now.
I also wanted to know, that is using Xilinx platform studio, going to be much easier than ISE? ( in terms of developement time).
Thanks for your time!

Spartan III is minimum requirement. I recommend Virtex6 DSP version. for example (XC6VSX315T)

Platform studio is more like a system designer. It still uses ISE as the compiler. It really depends how involved you want to get.

Static camera will be a nice simple start. You can easily take a reference image (if you have enough external ram) and subtract it from the incoming video to get your target. Using a moving camera is a lot more involved as you dont have a static reference image. But it is very much possible. Companies have been doing it for years (at least 25!).

Spartan III is minimum requirement. I recommend Virtex6 DSP version. for example (XC6VSX315T)
Any particular reason you think that we would need a DSP version?

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, most probably we would use a static camera. But i do want to try out the pan tilt mechanism, ( just some more stepper motor interfacing additionally).

Because you need some image processing mechanism that probably have heavy calculation (ADD, sub, mul, div , ... ). In DSP version there are some dsp block for these calculation that can speed up the design.

Hi friends!
Glad to find this topic!
I want to work on real time object tracking on FPGA for my master thesis! Our board in the lab is ML605 (virtex6). The board has a DVI port for graphic input. Is there any camera or any other easy way to connect via DVI? I don't know anything about DVI.

I have some experience using FPGA for Image Processing. I would be happy if i can take share in these project. I can help on FPGA implementation.
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