NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoder source code

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Newbie level 5
Nov 18, 2003
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pal decoder c code

Does anyone have any kind of video decoder source code in Verilog/VHDL? www.opencores.org has a video encoder, but there is no decoder. I just want to experiment different comb filtering techniques.

If no decoder source is available, I'd appreciate if anyone can provide me info on the implementation of Y/C filter (i.e. how many taps are good enough and what are the coefficients). Many books describe the theory but don't mention any empirical data.

vhdl ntsc

Could you point me to the opencores video encoder page? I know it was there a month ago, however, I can't find it any more. (of course I've downloaded everything, just curious where it moves)

Video decoder is much more difficult to implement than an encoder for two reasons: Y/C separation, i.e., notch+comb filtering; and sync/clock generation (traditional method, new technique uses single 27MHz and does interpolation instead of PLL, well then you need to take care of the interp parameters)

I dont believe there will be any free decoder IP out there because not many people are doing this except a few consumer electronics giants.

PM me if you'd like to know more about internals of decoder.


ntsc pal secam decoder ip


I remember seeing this post.


There was quite a few other nasty replies that I remember seeing from people that were hoping to use this for products.

There seemed to be a bit of a pissing match and my guess is that the core was revoked. If you have it, feel fortunate.


matlab decode ntsc

robotman said:


Thanks a lot! I dont know if the post is true or not, if so, I would need to spend more time verifying my code, because I DID use his multiplier module (one of the 4 bugged modules)which I dont have time to test yet. Thanks again for this precious piece of info. This is worth at least several hundred bucks


matlab ntsc decode

Thanks for the info. Both encoders were indeed revoked from opencores.org.

I know a free IP is difficult to find, but does anyone have a demo code in C or Matlab such that I can at least get the filter paramters? I have written a Matlab decoder using filtfilt() function, but hardware implementation is a whole different story. I just want to know the filters are done in hardware.

ntsc decoder ip

who has NTSC/PAL video decoder IP?

If you have this IP, could you exchange it with my IPs?

ntsc decode matlab

"...exchange..." ??? why not first offer what you have ?

vhdl source code pal video encoder

Hi all,

I want to understand the video decoder.

Would you please recommand some books to me ?

I have the book "VIDEO Demystified" but I feel that it is not suitable for the fresher .

Thank you !!!

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