Notification Of Replies e-mails to threads I have replied to

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Advanced Member level 7
Jan 19, 2008
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I noticed that all the Notification Of Replies e-mails to threads I have replied to went to my junk folder because they start with the word "bulk" like all the real junk e-mails I receive. So I told my e-mail program to save e-mails from this website in my inbox instead.
Then my e-mail program transferred hundreds of notifications from Junk to Inbox.
I did not look to see when it started.

I have AOL. All along my email has received similar notifications. They show up in the normal list.

One new thing I have noticed is sometimes a notification is called a linkback.

I must delete each email notification individually. I don't recall that any have gone into my spam folder.

Furthermore AOL keeps all my old emails at a backup depot somewhere. They would remain indefinitely, except that I deliberately delete the older ones.

You can be pretty sure that neither advertizing spam mails nor Edaboard notifications have been originally preceeded by the word [Bulk]. It's apparently added by your mail provider.

I don't no if it's possibly an email header flag required for automated posts or has been derived from specific mail characteristics by the email server (e.g. multiple mails for different receivers have arrived in a certain time period).

I fear, it's probably nothing Edaboard that can influence. But the reaction should be programmable in your email settings. E.g. by using a white list.

I easily changed the settings of my e-mail so that EDA Board notifications go to my inbox. But I was shocked to see that previously many of them went to my Junk Pile.

Yes, that's pretty understandable. I wonder if the change was at Edaboard or your mail server?

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