some very critical points to check --
* ADMUX value is wrongly managed. for PC1, pC2, pC4 it must be 0010 0001, 0010 0010, 0010 0100 only. ADMUX++ statement will not do this.
* you should change ADMUX value only after reading the previous data
* your ADCSRA register management is wrong. read the manual carefully. ADEN (bit7) must be 1 to enable ADC. Also ADSC bit has to be set 1 first time to start conversion, and then later check it to wait for conversion complete.
* in ADCSRA you are not using adc_isr, but you are enabling ADIE (bit3). this will create trouble.
* ADSC bit goes to ZERO on conversion completion, but you are not waiting for this in While() loop. You are checking for ADSC to be 1 instead ?
* have you connected +5v to the AREF pin ? what is connected to AREF pin ?
* the LDR does not generate a voltage. what is the resistance range of your ldr, and what other series resistor have you connected ?
you must correct these first, then we will see results again