just a few words. There are two classes of methods for nonlinear analysis: time domain methods, such is SPICE and frequency domain methods such are Harmonic Balance (HB) and Voltera series analysis.
Spice was the first method of nonliner analyis and stil is the mast for the low frequency designs where time domain models of components are simple (RLC circuits are straight forward to model by SPICE, transmission lines are a bit tricky but managable). The circuit is completely solved in time domain. Becomes more atractive because it is highly compatible with FDTD electromagnetic analysis so everything can be put into the same pot.
HB is a general frequency domain method that works well for RF/Microwave applications. The elements of the circuits are modeled in the frequency domain while device itself (dependent generators) is modeled in the time domain. Fourier transform is needed to bring the voltages in the frequency domain, etc., I don't want to give lecture on HB. It is very mature method and implemented (in slightly different forms) in all modern MW/RF simulators. Its universal and all of nonlinear circuits can be analized with the method (oscillators, mixers, multipliers).
Voltera series is the best suited for one exeption of nonlinear circuits where HB is usually failing to converge, this is the slight nonlinearity case, for example the linear amplifier if you are intrerested in its low level IMD products. It is implemented in MWO only.
At the end, just to mentioned that not all of the models available in the literature are applicable with comercally available nonlinear simulators. The problem is with some nonlinearities that cannot be described or handled by the solver due to convergence or charge preservation problems etc. It is best to use simulator built-in models. Also, some manufacturers give very good models for their products while the others are not really close to reality even for DC IV curves, so you might end up making your own models at the end.
I have very good experience with Ansoft Serenade/Designer models made by Ansoft even if the manufacturers model was available. The agreement between simulations and measurements was amazing!