Nokia/Serial LCD's Communications Newbie for help.

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Newbie level 2
Jun 5, 2009
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serial lcd tutorial

Hello. I see that my search brings up an entirely lot of Tutorials on how to send "Hello World" to most Nokia model Lcd's. The main problem i have with the tutorials is that you actually Type hello world into the code, and thats a bit misleading.

As an avr Assembly programmer I dont understand much of the junk i read on the internet. Which is why i am asking you for help here.

On most Nokia LCD's they're serial Driven. Clock and data line. How hard can it be? Lets forget about the chip that controlls the lcd, this is what i want.

How do i make an LCD screen Hello World? I dont expect you to type out the actual data, just give an an ideal.

So, do i send so many bits at one time followed by a stop bit? Parity Bit? How hard is it to actually program any given LCD?

What if i sent this to the LCD, 0110 1110, thats 8 bits, what would happen? I'm all new to LCD's and i dont have the first clue how they work, I am also Not interested in Parallel LCD's, i know what serial to Parallel shift registers do, and theres no need to go there. So why is this so hard to figure out?

Could someone Please Clear this up?

Thanks in advance, At90s2313

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