noise simulation - a few questions

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Apr 13, 2004
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noise simulation

1. Do we need a noise generator for each noise simulation?

2. If yes, how can I design noise generator using Tanner Tools?

3. Can anybody give me some suggestion or website that can guide me to calculate and simulate noise?

noise simulation

hspice can do noise simulation. It is done in frequency domain. No noise generator is needed.

Re: noise simulation

Thanx Hughes...but I don't have H-Spice

T-Spice form Tanner Tools can also run noise simulation in the freq domain, but do you think it's very important to use noise generator because we use noiseless model for CMOS and calculations?

noise simulation

CMOS model is not noiseless in noise analysis. Thermal noise is technology independent. 1/f noise is modeled by model parameters KF and AF.

noise simulation

If no noise parameters in your MOS model, you have to genetate noise. However, the process is difficult and it is not in the frequency domain but time domain by transient anlysis.
The best method is that you can request the model with noise parameters from the foundry.

Re: noise simulation

Is the noise parameter are AF and KF?? Can you let me know some other noise parameter than important in noise analysis?

This mean that if I have the noise parameter, I don't need the noise generator and can do the analysis in the freq domain??

Re: noise simulation

guamak_menanak said:
This mean that if I have the noise parameter, I don't need the noise generator and can do the analysis in the freq domain?

Yes, the noise characteristics can be simulated in freq domain.

Re: noise simulation

just to make sure...are AK and KF are the only noise parameter for noise analysis?

I have the AK and KF in my CMOS parameter, so...I can do the noise analysis to the input & output by using the coding like above:

.ac 1 1n 1G
.noise v(Vdd) Vin
.print inoise(input) onoise(input?

*Vin is my ac source!

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