I have a dead no name 16 pin chip in a Chinese toy. It drives a small DC motor through 2 line to a motor controller .(TC118)
Looking to replace a dead no-name chip with an easy to program PIC ( 12F ? 16F ?), all it has to do is to randomly run motor either in normal or reverse direction for a random length of time and in the same time to blink 1-2 LEDs.
Attached is a picture of the PCB and data sheet of motor controller.
Any suggestion will be appreciated!
Should be easy but if you could trace out some of the pins it would be useful, especially VSS and VDD so we can try to find something pin compatible. We can see pins 2 and 3 are outputs to operate the motor but does this device have any switches or sensors connected to the other pins? Are there any components on the reverse side?
thank you for your reply, yes 2 & 3 is out to the motor controller.
the other side contains a 3.7 V battery, DC Motor, "C" USB plug, battery charger IC, some LEDs and the push button switch.
there is no sensor, it start working by manually & momentarily pushing the switch.
Attached is the picture of the other side and I will trace out where all the other pins are going when I get home tonight.
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