[SOLVED] No matching "SUBCKT"

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Maybe you need to re-generate netlist. Please check the netlist file. Maybe you can post your netlist file for further help.

Re: No matching "SUBCKT"

Maybe you need to re-generate netlist. Please check the netlist file. Maybe you can post your netlist file for further help.

How I can check if I have a missing library ?

Netlist file is being generated and component is present.



- - - Updated - - -

Following is a copy of the NETLIST file, where one can see the tdndsx dioide.

* auCdl Netlist:
* Library Name: bias_Circuit
* Top Cell Name: biasCircuit
* View Name: schematic
* Netlisted on: Feb 3 11:46:46 2014


*.GLOBAL sub!
+ vdd!
+ gnd!

*.PIN sub!
*+ vdd!
*+ gnd!

* Library Name: bias_Circuit
* Cell Name: biasCircuit
* View Name: schematic

.SUBCKT biasCircuit ROut Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4 Vb5 Vb6 Vb7
*.PININFO ROut:O Vb1:O Vb2:O Vb3:O Vb4:O Vb5:O Vb6:O Vb7:O
MTN11 Vb7 net12 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=29.6u nf=8 par=1 gcon=1
+ mSwitch=0 idg=1 gns=0
MTN9 Vb6 Vb6 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=12.48u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN10 Vb1 Vb1 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=46.88u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN8 Vb5 Vb5 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=38.0u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN6 Vb4 net12 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=5.2u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN5 Vb3 net12 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=3.2u nf=2 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN4 Vb2 net12 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=1.6u nf=1 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTN13 net12 net12 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=360.0n w=540.0n nf=1 par=1 gcon=1
+ mSwitch=0 idg=1 gns=0
MTN2 net1 net1 gnd! sub! nfet m=1 l=1.52u w=3.78u nf=2 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=0 gns=0
MTN0 net3 net1 ROut sub! nfet m=1 l=1.38u w=5.52u nf=2 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=0 gns=0
MTP13 Vb7 Vb7 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=18.0u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP12 Vb5 Vb7 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=54.0u nf=8 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP11 Vb6 Vb7 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=18.0u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP10 Vb1 Vb7 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=18.0u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP5 Vb4 Vb4 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=7u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP4 Vb3 Vb3 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=5.04u nf=2 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP3 Vb2 Vb2 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=360.0n w=10.08u nf=8 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP2 net12 net3 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=1.26u w=6.28u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP1 net3 net3 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=1.26u w=25.2u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
MTP0 net1 net3 vdd! vdd! pfet m=1 l=1.26u w=25.2u nf=4 par=1 gcon=1 mSwitch=0
+ idg=1 gns=0
XC0 vdd! sub! tdndsx area=0.16e-12 perim=1.6e-6
RI47 gnd! sub! $[subc]

Re: No matching "SUBCKT"

How I can check if I have a missing library ?

XC0 vdd! sub! tdndsx area=0.16e-12 perim=1.6e-6

If you can't find the library which contains the tdndsx subcircuit, I'd suggest to try and replace it by a (level=3) standard diode call:
DC0 vdd! sub! D area=0.16e-12 peri=1.6e-6

Re: No matching "SUBCKT"

If you can't find the library which contains the tdndsx subcircuit, I'd suggest to try and replace it by a (level=3) standard diode call:
DC0 vdd! sub! D area=0.16e-12 peri=1.6e-6

It works, but then I still don`t obtain a clean LVS or DRC due missing instance tdndsx in schematic .


Re: No matching LVS

... I still don`t obtain a clean LVS or DRC due missing instance tdndsx in schematic .

You have to instance a corresponding (standard) diode in your schematic, of course!

If the DRC reports an error, this is due to a different cause. May be width or spacing violation. Check the error message!

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