[SOLVED] No latch inferred how do I get rid of this problem ?

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Hello !
I have a problem because I can't use yosys to sythesize this code. Whenever I try to do it this appears :

I don't know where are the latches in my code
Here is the code :

Can someone help me with this ?

The warning are related to the unshown module code, so we can hardly guess where the compiler is expecting latches.
An obvious fault is however to overwrite the module result in the always_comb section
s_y_cmp = '0;
s_y_sub = '0;
// etc

Deleting the erroneous assignments might also remove the warnings.
The warning are related to the unshown module code, so we can hardly guess where the compiler is expecting latches.
An obvious fault is however to overwrite the module result in the always_comb section
s_y_cmp = '0;
s_y_sub = '0;
// etc

Deleting the erroneous assignments might also remove the warnings.

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