No internet access after exchanging SIMCom A7682E against 7600G-H module


Newbie level 1
May 23, 2018
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For days now I'm trying to get the SIMCom A7682E to work now, after I replaced it against SIMCom 7600G-H, which was working fine.
Both modules use exactly the same SIM card and it's exactly the same developement setup at the same location.
The new A7682E seems to be registered to the LTE service provider, as CREG and CEREG below show.
Also the status LED on the board is flashing once a second to signal correct registration.
But trying to ping an internet IP-address or accessing an HTTPS-server permanently fails.
With AT+CGDCONT? , it seems, that the A7682E not showing the same or the correct LTE-providers, but I have no idea how to modify.

I tried to compare all configuration data possible between A7682E and SIM7600, but I can not find any obvious difference, why internet access with A7682E fails.
Maybe somenone with more experience than me, can see what I'm missing.

First you see the AT-command and next line with indent there is the answer from the module.
Same SIM-card, , alternating in both modules.

A7682E ++++  NOT Working  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    ATI  -> Device.INFO
        Manufacturer: INCORPORATED
        Model: A7682E
        Revision: A7682M7_V1.11.1
        IMEI: xxx
        +GCAP: +CGSM,+FCLASS,+DS

    AT&V  ->  Display current configuration
        &C: 1; &D: 0; &F: 0; &W: 0; E: 1; Q: 0; V: 1; X: 1; Z: 0; S0: 0; S2: 43; S3: 13; S4: 10; S5: 8; S6: 2; S7: 1; S8: 2; S9: 6; S10: 7; S11: 63; S30: 10; +FCLASS: 0; +IFC: 0,0; +IPR: 115200;
        +CSCS: IRA; +CREG: 0; +CGREG: 0; +CEREG: 0; +CGDCONT: (8,"IP","ims.mnc001.mcc262.gprs","",0,0,,,,); +CGDSCONT: ; +CGACT: (1,0),(8,1); +CGEQMIN: ; +CGQMIN: (8,3,4,5,1,1);
        +CGEREP: (2,0); +CGCLASS: "A"; +CGAUTH: (1,0); +CPBS: "SM"; +CMEE: 2; +CFUN: 1; +CMGF: 0; +CSCA: ("+49171xxxxxx",145); +CSMP: 17,167,0,0; +CSDH: 0; +CPMS: "SM",0,20,"SM",0,20,"SM",0,20; OK

    AT+CSQ -> SignalQuality RSSI(2-31 OK)  BER(error)
        +CSQ: 18,99

    CEREG?  ->  EPS (Evolved Packet System = LTE) network registration status
        +CEREG: 0,1 OK
                0 disable network registration unsolicited result code
                    1 registered, home network

    CGREG?  ->  GSM Network registration status
        +CGREG: 0,1 OK

    AT+CNMP?  -> Preferred mode selection (GSM/LTE/...)
        +CNMP: 2
               2 - Automatic

    AT+CNBP?  ->  <mode>[,<lte_mode>][,<lte_modeExt>]  Preferred band selection
        +CNBP: 0X0000000000000180,0X00000000000800D5,0X0000 OK

    HTTP.AT+CPSI?  ->  UE System Information
        +CPSI:LTE,Online,262-01,0x5DC7,43803137,42,EUTRAN-BAND8,3749,3,0,21,39,37,2 OK

    AT+COPS=?  -> Operator Selection Details
        +COPS: (2,"congstar","congstar","26201",7),(1,"congstar","congstar","26201",0),(1,"o2 - de","o2 - de","26203",0),(1,"","Vodafone","26202",0),(1,"o2 - de","o2 - de","26203",7),(1,"","Vodafone","26202",7),,(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)

    AT+COPS?  -> Operatorselection
        +COPS: 0,2,"26201",7
               <mode> 0 - automatic Operator selection
                 <format> 2 - numeric <oper>

    HTTP.AT+CGACT?  ->  PDP context activate or deactivate Information
        +CGACT:8,1 OK

    AT+CGDCONT?  -> PDP context param
        +CGDCONT: 8,"IP","ims.mnc001.mcc262.gprs","",0,0,,,, OK

    ++++ Ping Result ++++++++++

            +CPING: 3,0,0,0,0,0,0

            +CPING: 3,0,0,0,0,0,0

SIM7600 ++++  Working OK  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    ATI  -> Device.INFO
        Manufacturer: SIMCOMINCORPORATED
        Model: SIMCOM_SIM7600G-H
        Revision: SIM7600M22_V2.0.1
        SVN: 01
        IMEI: xxx
        +GCAP: +CGSM

    AT&V  ->  Display current configuration
        &C: 2; &D: 2; &E: 1; &F: 0; &S: 0; &W: 0; E: 1; L: 0; M: 0; Q: 0; V: 1;
        X: 1; Z: 0; \Q: 3; \S: 0; \V: 0; O: 0; S0: 0; S2: 43; S3: 13; S4: 10;
        S5: 8; S6: 2; S7: 0; S8: 2; S9: 6; S10: 14; S11: 95; S30: 0; S103: 1;
        S104: 1; +FCLASS: 0; +ICF: 3,3; +IFC: 0,0; +IPR: 115200; +DR: 0;
        +DS: 0,0,2048,6; +CMEE: 2; +WS46: 25; +CFUN:; +IPREX: 115200;
        +CBST: 0,0,1; +CRLP: (61,61,48,6,0),(61,61,48,6,1),(240,240,52,6,2);
        +CV120: 1,1,1,0,0,0; +CHSN: 0,0,0,0; +CSSN: 0,0; +CREG: 0; +CGREG: 0;
        +CEREG: 0; +CSCS: "IRA"; +CSTA: 129;  +CR: 0; +CRC: 0;
        +CGDCONT: (1,"IP","","",0,0,0,0),(2,"IPV4V6","INTERNET.TELEKOM","",0,0,0,0),(3,"IPV4V6","ims","",0,0,0,0),
        +CGQMIN: ; +CGEREP: 0,0; +CGDATA: "PPP"; +CGCLASS: "A"; +CGPIAF: 0,0,0,0;
        +CGSMS: 1; +CSMS: 0; +CMGF: 0; +CSAS: 0; +CRES: 0; +CSCA: "",;
        +CSMP: ,,0,0; +CSDH: 0; +CSCB: 0,"",""; +CMGP: 4098,0,,0,;  +ES: ,,;
        +ESA: 0,,,,0,0,255,; +CMOD: 0; +CEMODE: 1; +CVHU: 1; ; ; ; ; ; ;
        +CSCLK: 0; +CCUART: 0; +CFGRI: 0,60,120; +CUARTSD: 500; +CURCD: 0;
        +CUARTLOG: 0; +CUARTRM: 0; +CFGRIDTM: 60,120; +CATR: 0; +CNMP: 2;
        +CNRP: 255; +CNAOP: 0; +CNSDP: 2; +CNSMOD: 0; +CNLSA: 0; +CEXTEPLMN: 1;
        +CSQFMT: 1; +AUTOCSQ: 0,0; +CSQDELTA: 5; +CPSI: 0; +CMGSI: 2;
        +CMGRMI: 4,0; +MONI: 0; +CRUPSI: 0; +CRUSET: 0; +CGPS: 0,1; +CGPSMSB: 1;
        +CGPSINFO: 0; +CGPSINFOCFG: 0,0,0; +CGPSHOR: 50; +CGPSPMD: 65407;
        +CGPSXD: 0; +CGNSSINFO: 0; +CSOCKAUTH: 1,0,"";  +CGAUTH: 1,0,""; ;
        +CIPHEAD: 1; +CIPSRIP: 1; +CIPCCFG: 10,0,0,1,0,0,500; +CIPENSRXGET: 0;
        +CIPMODE: 0; +CPIN: ????????,????????; +CMEC: 0,0,0,0;
        +CIND: 0,3,1,1,0,0,1,0; +CMER: 0,0,0,0,0; +CGATT: 1;
        +CGACT(1,0),(2,1),(3,1),(4,0); +CPBS: "SM"; +CPMS: "SM","SM","SM";
        +CNMI: 2,1,0,0,0; +CMMS: 0; +CCUG: 0,0,0; +COPS: 0,0,""; +CUSD: 0;
        +CAOC: 1; +CCWA: 0; +CPOL: 0,2,"",0,0,0,0; +CPLS: 0; +CTZR: 0; +CTZU: 0;
        +CLIP: 0; +COLP: 0; +CDIP: 0; +CLIR: 0; +CSDF: 1; +CEN: 0;
        +CPSMS: 0,"","","",""; +CEDRXS: 0,1,""; +CCARDMA: 0;  +STK: 0;
        +EB: 1,0,30; +EFCS: 1; +ER: 0; +ESR: 1; +ETBM: 1,1,20; +MA: ; +MR: 0;
        +MS: ; +MV18R: 0; +MV18S: 0,0,0; +CXT: 0; +CDR: 0; +CDS: 0,1,2048,6;
        +CFC: 0; +CFG: ""; +CQD: 10; +CCRC: 0; +QCMUX: C,2; +CTA: 0; +ILRR: 0;
        +QCPIN: ,; *CNTI: 0; ^PREFMODE: 0; ^DSCI: 0; ^MODE: 0; ^CPIN: ,

    AT+CSQ -> SignalQuality RSSI(2-31 OK)  BER(error)
        +CSQ: 18,99

    CEREG?  ->  EPS (Evolved Packet System = LTE) network registration status
        +CEREG: 0,1 OK

    CGREG?  ->  GSM Network registration status
        +CGREG: 0,1 OK

    AT+CNMP?  -> Preferred mode selection (GSM/LTE/...)
        +CNMP: 2

    AT+CNBP?  ->  <mode>[,<lte_mode>][,<lte_modeExt>]  Preferred band selection

    HTTP.AT+CPSI?  ->  UE System Information
        +CPSI:LTE,Online,262-01,0x5DC7,38813701,423,EUTRAN-BAND3,1300,5,5,-150,-1106,-757,9 OK

    AT+COPS=?  -> Operator Selection Details
        +COPS: (2,"congstar","congstar","26201",7),(1,"","TDG","26201",0),(1,"o2 - de","o2 - de","26203",7),(1,"o2 - de","o2 - de","26203",0),(1,"","Vodafone","26202",7),(1,"","Vodafone","26202",0),,(0,1,2,3,4,5),(0,1,2)

    AT+COPS?  -> Operatorselection
        +COPS: 0,0,"congstar congstar",7
               <mode> 0 - automatic Operator selection
                 <format> 0 - long format alphanumeric <oper>

    AT+CGACT?  ->  PDP context activate or deactivate

    AT+CGDCONT?  -> PDP context param
        +CGDCONT: 3,"IPV4V6","ims","",0,0,0,0
        +CGDCONT: 4,"IPV4V6","","",0,0,0,1

    ++++ Ping Result ++++++++++

            +CPING: 1,,64,41,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,46,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,68,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,37,255
            +CPING: 3,4,4,0,37,68,47

            +CPING: 1,,64,39,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,33,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,63,255
            +CPING: 1,,64,46,255
            +CPING: 3,4,4,0,33,63,45
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