NMEA 0183 and SiRF binary GPS protocols

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Newbie level 3
Dec 4, 2008
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I' am not sure that it's proper place to my post... I'm looking for any adventages and disadventages of NMEA 0183 protocol and SiRF binary protocol. I will be codnig an application using one of them, but at first I have to compare it and choose one. Do you have any ideas how to compare both protocols? Maybe someone of you have any materials about it? It's a topic of my graduate project. Thanks for you reply.

hi mf18,
between NMEA and Sirf, i think NMEA is better for simple reason tht it will give you sentences which are easy to parse/extract.

Hi veeraj,
I agree with You, but I need some scientific proofs such as comparision, tests etc. I have specification of both protocols, but I don't have any ideas how to proof, that the first protocol is better than second one and vice versa in specific solution...maybe You've heard about some papers or litarture about it??


I have module GPS and it includes two output NMEA 0283 and SIRF binary . I think this 2 data is standard ouput for GPS, you can use both of them and I think the result will be same. But I use NMEA instead, cause it's more simple for extracting the data.

Hi, the_balistic, could you give me a name of your gps module? What do you think guys, if I'd like compare both protocols - what kind of simple test can I do? What kind of hardware I need? Maybe there is a special software to test GPS chips??


I use this modul :

EG-T10 GPS Receiver Module MCX it cost abaout $90. You can buy it from digi-ware.com (indonesia site).

What kind of simple test ?

1. If you are using PC you must have level converter (RS-232 ) cause the output of the GPS is TTL Level

2. if tou are using Micro you can connect directrly to GPS

(be carefull,read the datasheet corectly)

I think it's easy enough. I think this simple algorithm I use :
1. Get Input and then check input until GPGGA
2. Get input store at the arrayt variabel(datagpgga) until the last character was received

and the you can decode the data ( see the NMEA standar )

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