Nice Pic ass utility!

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Advanced Member level 5
Jul 20, 2001
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nice pic ass

I wrote this nifty little utility to generate pic assembler code for common constructs in programing and posted it here. (At least a year ago).
**broken link removed**
The file has been downloaded 136 times. (last time I looked).
I would like to think that out there somewhere is my cool algorythems doing their stuff.
The last line in the help file is 'Bug reports and feedback tomy email)
Well, I was hoping somebody would e mail me about it. A bit of feedback.
'This is a load of crap' would be nice?
I was so depressed I tried to commit suicide on paracetomol.
But I took two and felt better.
Now, where did I put that joint? Oh shit, I knpcked the beer over!


I downloaded your tool. Very nice work. Useful for Assembler die-hards specially in large projects.

Thanks for sharing


Well I know Thank you's are frowned upon in elektroda so I will say I am working on it some more, like signed multiply and divide, 8 or 16 bit and some usefull libs like RC5, NEC IR decoding routines, some LCD stuff and whatever else I can think of. Any suggestions welcome! And next time I'm really pissed I will try not to make a fool of myself.
By the way, thanks for your appreciation.

As i think you did great job althogh file has been downloaded 155 time so far and no body comment in appreciation of this nice utility, in my point view if some share there own work he must rewarded with point donation
btbass which you mention about adding some more use full features, so please do it it will save lot time and speed up code writing
so i open the account donating you 300 points on your work hope you will like this

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