Newbie to PC programming!

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Junior Member level 3
May 14, 2005
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Hi seniors,
I am newbie to Programming. What should i start to learn? Please help me.

Win Myat Thu.

Start with Delphi, is more easy to use and has some resources on net .... C++ Builder is more powerfull, but more difficult to start .... Look for it on net


I recommend u start with C

Thanks for help.

Added after 3 hours 27 minutes:

Thanks for ur help.

I think C Language is the best

Start with ANSI C!!!! By Kerningham and Ritchie!

I recommend to start eith C but the C programming language book of Ritchie is so hard for beginners so choose a more easier one .. i recommend C how to progrm by Deitel .. it is so easy and full of examples and also it is very rich in the scientific materials so you will like it too much


i recomend u to start with c ,then proceed to C++ as its object oriented also

the best book in my opinion is LET US C by yeswant kanitker or SHAUMs OUTLINES OF C

when you want to learn programming for a PC
DON't start with C!
unless you want to learn programming microcontrollers too!
On a PC you want to learn high level programming,
You want to learn about objects, inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, ...

I would suggest a that you start with an object oriented language
Java, C++ or C#
and don't start with gui programming!!!
I would not recommend Visual Basic or Delphi since they always seem to be too much graphicaly oriented which makes learning the core concepts of object oriented programming more difficult.

C++ is probably the most versatile, with the most information available.
It is probably also the most difficult one to learn.
Java is good for learning concepts but it has it's downsides.
C# seems to be good (although I don't like that it doesn't support templates (yet))

And get a good book!


i think that not a good idea i think knowing about modular programming must be before object oriented programming after knowing C you can know any other language in less than a week but if u start with C# you will not have a good programming skill as the language is so easy ... i think the basics are very important if you wanna be a good programming and you will only know these basics in C !! ...

You didn't say what type of programming you want to do. Since this is an EDA forum, I recommend C for lean-and-mean designs such as microcontrollers, fast embedded systems, device drivers, and operating systems. Linux and Windows were both written in C.

yes you need to learn syntax.
you need to learn about memory allocation, pointers, references, ... to know what you're doing.
But this is the easy part. Untill this point C is just a subset of C++

Then you need to learn programming concepts.
There is a big difference between object oriented and procedural programming. And it depends on what you want to learn and want to do with your programming skills. If you want to learn object oriented programming, you need to know some the basics of procedural programming (since yes, you're still calling procedures). But when you learn too much procedural programming (meaning programming concepts, not syntax!), it might be difficult to really master object oriented programming ;-).

When you want to start with C, this is a tutorial that seems to be a good introduction:
**broken link removed**
and otherwise The C Programming Language - Kerningham and Ritchie

For C++ there are many good books
Thinking in C++ is one free book you might use to start with
**broken link removed**

There's also a book called "Thinking in Java" if you want to go with java

think that not a good idea i think knowing about modular programming must be before object oriented programming after knowing C you can know any other language in less than a week but if u start with C# you will not have a good programming skill as the language is so easy ... i think the basics are very important if you wanna be a good programming and you will only know these basics in C !! ...

yes thats write start with c if you want to go deep further and if you want to swim in shallow waters go for any other language.
if you dare to go beyond the boundaries
first get a compiler and a good book on c preferably "c programming " by balagurusamy
and then try some little programs at first.
for sample programs go to this site
this has a good collection of sample source codes
it helps

Rest you know how to swim

I agree with people who say that you should start with ANSI C

My son started programming directly in opcode.
I'd written a few train\games to teach him the format, after 5 days he did it right in hex editor.
Nowdays he is 10 and agreed that it was the easiest way to start.

The Svin said:
My son started programming directly in opcode.
I'd written a few train\games to teach him the format, after 5 days he did it right in hex editor.
Nowdays he is 10 and agreed that it was the easiest way to start.

I wish I could do it when I was 10!!!!

He was 6 when he started.
He is known in and win32asmcommunity(Yan), though he writes there not often.

i think you must start with c.after learning programming techniques you must learn oop(object oriented programming) it means c++,c# or java.

Which language is about the project if you want to write a game to nokia 7210
only language is java for example.

"Which language is about the project if you want to write a game to nokia 7210
only language is java for example"

Do you mean you can not write it in raw opcode machine language for nokia 7210?

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