Hi All,
I'm a complete newbie and have just recently(a week back) started learning VHDL. I'm finding it very interesting and challenging as programming in VHDL is very different that other high level programming such as 'C'. I'm reading the on-line materials, but the amount of information that needed to be grasped is very huge, and because of that I'm kind of stuck in a small problem where I know that there is a problem but do not have enough language/semantics skills to fix it. Therefore It would be very helpful to me if you can throw some light here and give me direct or indirect pointers. The problem is as follows:
I've to implement a up-down counter by keeping the following in mind:
i) CLK (in): Clock signal. Counter counts on the rising edge of the clock signal.
ii) RESET(in): Resets the counter to the start address.
iii) ENABLE(in): If the enable signal is 1, counter is functional. Otherwise counter is stopped.
iv) STARTADR(in): Holds the start value of the counter
v) STOPADRR(in): Holds the stop value of the counter.
vi) ADDRESS(in): Represents the current output value of the counter.
The behavioural architecture for such counter is
architecture RTL of Counter is
signal counter : unsigned ( BIT_WIDTH -1 downto 0 );
Cnt: process
wait on CLK until CLK = '1';
if ( RESET = '1' ) then
counter <= STARTADR;
elsif ( ENABLE = '1' ) and ( counter < STOPADR ) then
counter <= counter + 1;
elsif ( ENABLE = '1' ) and ( counter > STOPADR ) then
counter <= counter - 1;
end if;
ADDRESS <= counter;
end process Cnt;
end RTL;
So far so good, Counter is counting in both directions :smile:
As I've understood, to test my design, I need a test bench which I can simulate using CAD tool. I have been provided a test bench to test this design and in the test bench, i see that there are deliberate introduction of delays and because of which, I see that the counter sometimes misses the rising edge of the CLK signal (please refer the screenshot below, where the counter was not incremented at the rising edge of the CLK signal at 70ns), Now to handle such delays (please refer the testbench code below) or the inherent parallel nature of the design model, how should I fix this ? Also, If possible suggest me the book that you found most useful when you started your career/research in electronic design.
Test_sequence: process
procedure MakeSequence
( constant START_VALUE, STOP_VALUE, CYCLES_COUNT : positive ) is
wait on Clk until Clk = '1';
Strt <= conv_unsigned ( START_VALUE, BW ) after 1 ns;
Stp <= conv_unsigned ( STOP_VALUE, BW ) after 1 ns;
Rst <= '1' after 1 ns;
Ena <= '0' after 1 ns;
wait on Clk until Clk = '1';
Rst <= '0' after 1 ns;
wait on Clk until Clk = '1';
Ena <= '1' after 1 ns;
for i in 0 to CYCLES_COUNT - 4 loop
wait on Clk until Clk = '1';
end loop;
Ena <= '0' after 1 ns;
wait on Clk until Clk = '1';
end MakeSequence;
MakeSequence ( 2, 12, 16 );
MakeSequence ( 13, 5, 16 );
Strt <= ( others => '0' ) after 1 ns;
Stp <= ( others => '0' ) after 1 ns;
Halt <= true after 50 ns;
end process Test_sequence;
View attachment 96364
Thank you so much for your help.