newbie needs help with a small project

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Newbie level 1
Sep 15, 2006
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hello, i want to make a system that gets the humidity and temp of another room
to my computer via usb.
i will explain and apologize for my english:
1. a circuit that has the sensors.
2. route the data via usb to the computer
3. write a program that keeps track on the data.

i have only very basic knowledge in electronics, and i hpoe u can guide me through the steps of making this.
i.e what to buy, how to connect the sensors, how to change the signal to usb signal and how to read it from the comp.

Part 1 and Part 3 are not much difficult. I dont have much idea of part 2.
Part 1 schematics:
3.ADCs (Output of this to USB converter)
Part 3 schematics:
A c program can do this job. But good if you know VB for you can maintain a database for monitoring and storing the data. (My friend used VB for detection of signals at the port and writing back to the port. But he used the parallel port.)
As for part two. Give some time I have to learn it buddy sorry. If you are done do post your findings. Thanks in advance.

You can buy a data logger that collects temp & humidity that plugs into your USB port for downloading. They come with software. This means you would have to go to the other room each day, get the logger and plug it into your PC to get the data.

Now if you're talking about a real time data monitor that has a server so you can monitor the temp/humidity real time on any PC on the network, well that's going to be a lot of work or cost.

Have you thought about wireless?

hi pal..

I ll upload the details about data logger. A data logger will do for your project.
Even you can use RF to transmit the signals to your PC.
If wired and if its of long distance you can go for I2C protocol..
Wish u all the success....

hello dear..sivasujith

you project is very simple. Dont worry it is simple if you can use commercialy available low cost rs232 to USB convertors.. All you need to do to purchase appropiate sensors .. get there schemitics to interface them with PIC microcontroller. Using PIC microcontrller with builtin ADC like 16f877a will mke your embedded side code easy./ and if you will use rs232 to usb convertor you can easily use MSCOMM control(activeX) in vb or vc at pc side.

If you need further info then tell..



Thankx 4 ur comments...
Can u help me in interfacing the atmel microcontroller with USB.
I mean to get the schematic or source code(if avail)..
I got the circuit for interfacing USB with PIC from this site..but looking forward to the interfacing concept with AT89s51.
Thanx in advance..



Dont go for USB interfacing..go for Rs232. It is easy. and then you can use rs232 to usb converter to get data on pc.


guys! please keep in mind that USB longest distance around 5 meters only, which is depends on cable quality very much!

That's not true.. I use an USB printer on its original 1.8m cable plugged into extension that is 5m long, so if my printer works on usb2.0 protocol, I see no reason that simle sensor doesn't. If the distance is significantly longer than 5m, it's better to use rs232 to the PC, and then convert it to USB.

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