Newbie car alarm alert project

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Newbie level 3
Jan 17, 2005
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Hi all. Was wondering if someone would point me in the right direction for my project. After searching the past posts I've got a bit further, but my knowledge of electrical components isn't that good. What I would like to do is whardwire a mobile phone charger into my car and attach a Pay as you Go mobile phone. Then to tee into the alarm wires so when it goes off a solenoid/actuator? will press a button which will speed dial me. My problems:
1. Was thinking about teeing into the flashing indicator as a power source for the actuator the bulb is 12V so is this okay?
2.If I did this it would phone me when I initially set the alarm as the indicator flashes then so I was thinking of maybe some kind of timing device that would ignore this as it only flashes briefly.
I just seem to keep confusing myself here so if anyone could help at all with ideas of any kind I would be very grateful. Cheers very much

I think that you may be needing to involve a PIC in this somehwre, it will most likely do the whole car alarm & be able to interface to the phone.

However if it rings you, you will get a quiete call, perhaps with a speech chip it can also say into the audio line "help your car is being stolen"

do a system that will send SMS to its owner if detected stolen by someone. integrate a vibration sensor.

Hee hee, just imagining getting a call and a voice saying "help I'm being stolen!" Panic, you just wouldn't know what to do would you ha ha. A PIC? Mind if I ask what one is, what it does. Cheers

A PIC does anything & everything from what I have been seeing. The modern processor that you can program to suit your needs.

look at microchip dot com for info on them.

You can find tips here if you are using Proton Picbasic
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