New professional tool for PCB repairing...

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intrested to have more information :

how to use ?
what technologythey use irda light , midium or dark ?
what the price ?



It appears to be a laser operated system that provides heat at specific programmed locations to enable you to remove components easily.

A link to the home page for this is provided at the top of the first post.


The most interresting part is the price. Too competetive for the proposed features. I would pay double price for such a computer controlled machine, think i'll put this machine in my purchase plan ASAP.

some more information ..

1- machine based one midium irda wave ..
2- machine have vacuam pick tool built in ..
3- wide x, y table this make operation space is very wide .
4- acceliration of pre heating , reflow and soak is re programmed using profiles.

i trust this machine since i use it


We will buy this one:
**broken link removed**
It costs in full complectation (with monitor, lenses, optical system for BGA reworking by reverse projection) about 20K GBP (~30K $). It features all what raheeeb says, but in more professional form.
I also note that (for example) vacuum pick tool (and other components) are essential components of any IR Rework System. So it isn't feature of particular staion.

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