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Netbook Debate regarding Cost,make ,etc

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Advanced Member level 5
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi every body
I want to buy a net book ,
Can i use visual studio in net book ,(like other software)

Please share the details and Features about the net book

please take a debate , regarding Cost,make,speed ,memory etc because i haven't any friend having net book .


Netbook was designed for browsing and limited use of computing process. You better buy laptop rather than netbook. Laptop is more powerfull and you can install more application.

Primary advantages of netbooks are that they're relatively cheap, portable, and low power.

For development tasks (like Visual Studio) you want screen space, loads of memory, and perhaps some CPU power. Portability probably isn't important unless you develop while traveling or on clients' location.

So things netbooks are good at, are things that probably don't matter much to you. And things you'd want are exactly the things a netbook doesn't shine at. Not saying it wouldn't work, but it looks like a bad choice to me. Better spend that money on a larger screen or more RAM.

I think new netbook does not cost their own money. But possible gain marked down, for instance without power supply adapter for floor-price (or even with spoiled keyboard if make small server from it). Due to small consumption of the energy netbook can work several days from one car battery (certainly through DC-DC 12>18V adapter). Work with small screen uncomfortably. Emphases to the screen on presence antiglare covering. Usually there is possibility to connect the external big monitor but with mediocre quality.
Also, it is necessary to pay attention to presence of the keys PgUp/Dn.
If take away whole program rubbish stated in system, that velocity of the work will not such bad, approximately as beside Pentium III 1000 - 1400MHz.
Here is for what suitable so this for adjusting the satellite plates.

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