I have been working with my micro-controller for the last 2 months and i have had a bitter experience while setting fuse bits. I had to throw away one...
So now i need to work with an external clock of 20Mhz
i have got a 20MHz crystal and while reading the datasheet i have learned i need to connect it to the xtal1 and xtal2 pins of the uC. and i know that i need to use 22pF capacitors on both pins and then put them to ground...
But i dont know the part where i need to tell the uC that it has to work off the external clock
But even after searching the net and reading the datasheet i am not confident enough to try setting the fuse bits to make my uC work with external clock.
Could anyone here help me out? i really need to do this and after this i do have a few more doubts about this... But first can anyone pls help me set my uC to work with 20MHz crystal