Need to add delay or timer code to asm file for PIC16F84A

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Feb 24, 2013
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I would like to add a delay to my pic project, This is a DTMF controller with a pre written assembly file, I'm not good with pic programming but can make changes to suit my needs, this however I cant get to work.

I need help with a "I think delay code" but first let me tell you how this work.

This code decode a DTMF signal from *11# to *18# this is to switch the relays to on status and *01# to *08# switch the relay to status off.

I need to add a delay to let's say relay 7 & 8 to be ON for about 10 or 20 seconds and then automatically switch off again with out entering the DTMF code for OFF, I have tried numerous codes from friends but nothing works.

Here is the ASM file Code.

; dtmfun.asm - tone decoder with relay control but no security code.

; reads output from an 8870 DTMF decoder and controls a bank of relays.
; Code sequences "*11#" through to "*18#" turn on the corresponding relay
; code sequence "*10#" tuns on all relays
; Code sequences "*01#" through to "*08#" turn off the corresponding relay
; Code sequence "*00#" turns off all relays
; Codes "*?9#" through "*?D#" are ignored.
; Note: This version has no security codes

	list	p=16c84
	include ""

OPTREG	equ	01
TRIS_A	equ	05
TRIS_B	equ	06

relays	equ	10
mfcode	equ	11
cntdown	equ	12
timeout	equ	13
slocnt1	equ	14
slocnt2	equ	15

	org 0000			;tell assembler to start at 000H

init	goto start

	org 0004			;interrupt vector

	decfsz slocnt1,F		;decrement 1st prescaler
	goto rtc_int_1
	decfsz slocnt2,F		;decrement 2nd prescaler
	goto rtc_int_1
	bcf relays,4			;turn relay 6 off
	bcf PORTB,4
	decfsz cntdown,F		;count down and skip next if = 0
	goto counting			;still counting if not reached zero
	bsf timeout,0			;set timed out bit
	bcf INTCON,2			;clear interrupt flag
	retfie				;return

	bcf timeout,0			;clear timed out bit
	bcf INTCON,2			;clear interrupt flag
	retfie				;return

; subroutines

	btfsc timeout,0			;see if timed out
	goto set_z			;set Z flag if timeout ocurred
	btfss PORTA,4			;see if Strobe is active on RA4
	goto wait_strobe		;loop until it is
	movfw PORTA			;retreive the code from the 8870
	movwf mfcode			;store it in mfcode
	bcf mfcode,4			;ensure strobe isn't seen as data
	bcf STATUS,2			;return with Z=0 if tone decoded

set_z	bsf STATUS,2			;return with Z=1 if timed out waiting

	btfsc PORTA,4			;see if strobe is active on RA4
	goto wait_no_strobe		;loop until it isn't

	movlw H'54'			;software prescaler for 7 seconds
	movwf cntdown

; Start of setup and decode routines:

start	movlw B'00100000'		;select register page 1
	movwf STATUS

	clrf TRIS_B			;set all port B pins to output mode
	movlw B'00011111'		;set all port A pins to input mode
	movwf TRIS_A

	movlw B'10000111'
	movwf OPTREG			;sets: 	pull-up on port B OFF
					;	RTCC counts internal clock
					;	prescaler connected to RTCC
					;	prescaler divides by 256
					;	(other bits unimportant)
	clrw				;clear the working register
	movwf STATUS			;switch back to register page 0
	clrf PORTB			;all outputs off
	clrf relays
	clrf timeout
	movlw B'10100000'
	movwf INTCON			;global and RTCC interrupts enabled

decode	call wait_no_strobe		;start running when no tone present
	clrf timeout			;set timeout condition until later
	call wait_strobe		;wait for a tone to be received
	movlw H'0B'			;0B is the code for DTMF "*"
	subwf mfcode,W			;set zero flag if "*" was received
	btfsc STATUS,2			;skip next if it was not a "*"
	goto got_star
	goto decode			;look for another one

	call start_timer		;start time-out timer
	call wait_no_strobe		;wait for third tone
	call wait_strobe
	btfsc STATUS,2			;abort if timed out
	goto decode
	movlw H'01'
	subwf mfcode,W                  ;set zero flag if second tone was 1
	btfsc STATUS,2			;skip next if it was not a 1
	goto got_1
	movlw H'0A'
	subwf mfcode,W                  ;set zero flag if second tone was "0"
	btfsc STATUS,2			;skip next if it was not a 0
	goto got_2
	goto get_#			;wait for # to end invalid sequence

; according to the next 2 tones but don't action it until a "#" is seen.

got_1	call wait_no_strobe
	call wait_strobe		;wait for third tone
	btfsc STATUS,2			;abort if timed out
	goto decode

	call wait_no_strobe		;wait for tone to finish
	movf mfcode,W			;pick up keyed digit
	addwf PCL,F			;jump ahead to vector
	goto decode			;5D (mf code 0000)
	goto got_11
	goto got_12
	goto got_13
	goto got_14
	goto got_15
	goto got_16
	goto got_17
	goto got_18
	goto decode
	goto got_10
	goto decode			;*
	goto decode			;#
	goto decode			;5A
	goto decode			;5B
	goto decode			;5C (mf code 1111)

got_10	movlw B'11111111'		;all outputs on
	movwf relays
	goto get_#

got_11	bsf relays,0			;set output 1 on
	goto get_#

got_12	bsf relays,1			;set output 2 on
	goto get_#

got_13	bsf relays,3			;set output 3 on
	goto get_#

got_14	bsf relays,2			;set output 4 on
	goto get_#

got_15	bsf relays,5			;set output 5 on
	goto get_#

got_16	bsf relays,4			;set output 6 on
	goto get_#

got_17	bsf relays,6			;set output 7 on
	goto get_#

got_18	bsf relays,7			;set output 8 on
	goto get_#

; to reach here, the tone sequence "*<numa><numb><numc><numd>2" has been found, now decode request
; according to the next 2 tones but don't action it until a "#" is seen.

got_2	call wait_no_strobe
	call wait_strobe		;wait for sixth tone
	btfsc STATUS,2			;abort if timed out
	goto decode

	call wait_no_strobe		;wait for tone to finish
	movf mfcode,W			;pick up keyed digit
	addwf PCL,F			;jump ahead to vector
	goto decode			;5D (mf code 0000)
	goto got_01
	goto got_02
	goto got_03
	goto got_04
	goto got_05
	goto got_06
	goto got_07
	goto got_08
	goto decode
	goto got_00
	goto decode			;*
	goto decode			;#
	goto decode			;5A
	goto decode			;5B
	goto decode			;5C (mf code 1111)

got_00	movlw B'0000000'
	movwf relays			;set all outputs off
	goto get_#

got_01	bcf relays,0			;set output 1 off
	goto get_#

got_02	bcf relays,1			;set output 2 off
	goto get_#

got_03	bcf relays,3			;set output 3 off
	goto get_#

got_04	bcf relays,2			;set output 4 off
	goto get_#

got_05	bcf relays,5			;set output 5 Off
	goto get_#

got_06	bcf relays,4			;set output 6 Off
	goto get_#

got_07	bcf relays,6			;set output 7 Off
	goto get_#

got_08	bcf relays,7			;set output 8 Off
	goto get_#

get_#	call wait_strobe		;wait for 7th tone
	btfsc STATUS,2			;abort if timed out
	goto decode

	movlw H'0C'			;0C is the DTMF code for "#"
	subwf mfcode,W			;if # received set Z flag
	btfsc STATUS,2			;skip next if not a #
	goto got_#
	call wait_no_strobe
	goto get_#			;only # is valid, loop until found
					;or timeout

got_#   call wait_no_strobe		;wait for the tone to finish
	movfw relays			;use the "relays" variable to set RB
	movwf PORTB
	goto decode			;all done, check for new sequence

	retlw 'v'
	retlw '2'
	retlw '.'
	retlw '1'
	retlw '.'
	retlw 'W'
	retlw 'W'
	retlw '2'
	retlw 'R'
	retlw ' '
	retlw 'o'
	retlw 'c'
	retlw 't'
	retlw '2'
	retlw '0'
	retlw '0'
	retlw '0'


Thank you in advance.

Hi wp100,

Thank you for the link, now my other problem is where do I put this code, and how do I tell it that it does not need the DTMF code to switch off, instead to use this code and to delay the relay to go to bcf relay,0 to switch it of after the amount of seconds. There is so many goto's that I'm not sure.


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