Need Spice model for BJT - S9018 and others

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Good luck - the S9018 is about 35 years old, I wouldn't think it a good choice for new designs.


Yeah, thats probably why i can't find the models. But I had several lying around and wanted to do some experimenting.

Good luck - the S9018 is about 35 years old, I wouldn't think it a good choice for new designs.


Its interesting to note tho' that Digikey stiil stocks them for immediate delivery in retail or bulk... and at a pretty decent price.

You think they are offloading old stock ?

- - - Updated - - -

Good news is that I found I also had some nice little BFR540's in stock, and the .models for this are readily available. So change of plans, and thanks for all the help.

Uh oh... this seems to be an "old" device too. LoL !!


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