Need shematic for ACTEL ISP cable for ProASIC/ProASICplus

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xilinx stapl to bin

it actual is a JTAG stapl player and/or high voltage for program flash generator.
You may referrence this :
Performing Internal In-System Programming Using Actel’s

You need implent it into a 8052 minium system or other mcu system.

performing in-system programming using actel’s

and You also can get STAPL player bin/source code from altera website,
with it,you may program actel/altera/xilinx fpga/cplds

using actel stapl player

I have some Q's about it.
I`m Altera`s man basicaly.
But I`m found that Actels proASICplus devices
great substitude.
Sorry for my English 8) :x :twisted:

isp programming actel proasic

Itwassaid that the 3rd generation of ProAsic would be more easy to use.

actel devices programming with xilinx cable

leonqin said:
Itwassaid that the 3rd generation of ProAsic would be more easy to use.
Are you use Actel`s part?
I have some questions.
May be by e-mail?

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