Debug build of project `D:\Testing\PIC Bootloader\bootloader_20MHz.mcp' started.
Language tool versions: MPASMWIN.exe v5.50, mplink.exe v4.48, mplib.exe v4.48
Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined.
Mon Apr 07 11:40:42 2014
Make: The target "D:\Testing\PIC Bootloader\BOOTLOADER.o" is out of date.
Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPASMWIN.exe" /q /p18F4550 "BOOTLOADER.ASM" /l"BOOTLOADER.lst" /e"BOOTLOADER.err" /o"BOOTLOADER.o" /d__DEBUG=1
Warning[205] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 1 : Found directive in column 1. (radix)
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 20 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 21 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 22 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 23 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 24 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 25 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 26 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 27 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 28 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 29 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 30 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Warning[230] D:\TESTING\PIC BOOTLOADER\BOOTLOADER.ASM 31 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
Make: The target "D:\Testing\PIC Bootloader\bootloader_20MHz.cof" is out of date.
Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPASM Suite\mplink.exe" /p18F4550 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPASM Suite\LKR\18f4550_g.lkr" "BOOTLOADER.o" /u_DEBUG /z__MPLAB_BUILD=1 /z__MPLAB_DEBUG=1 /o"bootloader_20MHz.cof" /M"bootloader_20MHz.map" /W
MPLINK 4.48, Linker
Device Database Version 1.12
Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Errors : 0
MP2HEX 4.48, COFF to HEX File Converter
Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Errors : 0
Loaded D:\Testing\PIC Bootloader\bootloader_20MHz.cof.
Debug build of project `D:\Testing\PIC Bootloader\bootloader_20MHz.mcp' succeeded.
Language tool versions: MPASMWIN.exe v5.50, mplink.exe v4.48, mplib.exe v4.48
Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined.
Mon Apr 07 11:40:43 2014