need sample code for adc turnon and conversion to shows on lcd for pic 16f877a

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Member level 3
Mar 18, 2013
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helo everyone. i m trying to use the ad feature of the pic to show the conversion result on the lcd, i using microc pro for programming and the software shows 3 commans in ad header file that are adc_init, adc_read and adc_sample_read

but using these commands i m getting nothing on the lcd
below is the code i tried

lcd working ok, and i know i hav a lot of mistakes in that code, indeed i m an assembler, and in assembly i hav done that successfuly, but i wanna try in c now, plz hlp..
thanc in advance

Why are you using 8 bit LCD code. mikroC PRO PIC comes with 4 bit LCD library. Where did you get the 8 bit LCD library for mikroC PRO PIC ? LCD 8 bit library comes with mikroC not mikroC PRO.

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Try this mikroC PRO PIC code.

broken link removed


  • ADC.rar
    83.9 KB · Views: 104
  • adc.png
    36 KB · Views: 139
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well, i use 8 bit mode because it has a bit faster speed that 4 bit mode, and even in the 8bit mode the lcd is working fine.. thanx for the code, i m chking it...

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your code seems very simple and clean bro, can u plz xplain me the meaning of folowing code lines?? thanx in advance
FloatToStr(adcVal, str);

Good Morning,
Your C program seems to have a flaw. You have an uneven number of {} these. That means your program may have compiled but the action is uncertain. The last } looks like an orphan. Where does the program counter go after the last command statement? Try putting a while(1){}; after lcd_out line. Good luck.

FloatToStr() converts floating point value to string for LCD printing. Ltrim() removes the leading spaces in the string.
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