Need materials on mismatch filtering

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Mar 7, 2006
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mismatched filter

Hello every body

i have a problem. i need information about mismatched filter. I know what is matched filter, can you give me informations about mismatched filtering. I need theory and the code written in matlab

Thank you

mismatched filter -jp

match filter is a filter that optimize for best SNR.
mismatch filter is a filter for other aim for example for sidelobe Reduction
in Pulse Compression in radar. this filter in not best SNR in output.
you can see mismatch filter Design in Pulse Compression at radar.

mismatched filter

well i am working in ultrasound imaging which is close to radar techniques. Do you know any site where i can see the theory or algorithm for mismatched filtering


mismatched filter matlab

Match filter gives maximum peak signal power to noise power. Design of match filter in the case of white noise and color noise and its equations is available in many textbooks. If we get far from this design, we have not best SNR. This filter called mismatch filter. For example, in biphase pulse compression the match filter is the code which slides on signal. If we want to reduce the sidelobes, we can put the wightning filter after match filter but the this structure is not match filter.

mismatched filter design

pasovic said:
Hello every body

i have a problem. i need information about mismatched filter. I know what is matched filter, can you give me informations about mismatched filtering. I need theory and the code written in matlab

Thank you

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