Need knowhow to reduce SAR(specific absorption ratio)

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Jan 26, 2002
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reduce sar

SAR is a measurement of near field strength.
Somebody say SAR is proportional to antenna gain and pattern.
But antenna gain is from far field measurement.
Therefore, I think SAR can be reduced even using a larger gain antenna.
But I don't know how.
I need some suggestion from you.

reduce sar+antenna

Some FCC Test reports on FHSS digital phone has been posted in USA FCC Website, you can search the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) report if you know the model (FCC ID). Panasonic phone will do test requirement.

**broken link removed**

does flip phones reduce sar

SAR is a dosimetric parameter; then it is a measure of the amount of the e.m. energy effectively absorbed in a body exposed related to the mass of the same body. This parameter is affected by several factors, not only by the source characteristic, i.e. antenna pattern, power, frequency and so on. It is related also to the dieletric characteristics of the part of the body exposed, dimension, distance from the source, other reflecting bodies, and so on ..


specific absorption ratio antenna

I suggest U can try to use patch antenn design.

My experience is that this is a very difficult subject. It is hard to measure and even harder to corrrect. In many cases, SAR radiation from the PCB far exceeded that from the antenna so many fixes we had to do were with the circuit board.
For cell phones, the clamshell design, such as the Moto V60/70 tilts the antenna away from the head and puts the flip between the antenna and the head and this helps a lot with antenna related SAR.

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