need instructions for BSIM3 modification/ improvement

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Member level 3
Jul 7, 2004
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I am a student and right now work on a project related to high frequency substrate noise modeling. I have read bunch of papers. The authors commonly mentioned with one or two sentences that they improved BSIM3 model or their model by adding some stuff in them. But I don't know how to do it. I know that BSIM3 and even BSIM4 released for Spice. Since I am new in modeling, I need some instructions from some real experience. The following are my questions.


We only have NMOS and PMOS foundry parameter cards based on BSIM3v3.22 and I use only Cadence Spectre simulator, not Spice. I know BSIM3 and BSIM4 released based on Spice.
If I work with Spice, I am supposed to add my own stuff, for example, a substarte network, in BSIM3 and compile and then modify part of Spice and compile and then use this new Spice to simulate the whole circuit (I have never done this before, I just figure out I should do it this way. If I am wrong, please correct me). This procedure is correct?

If I only work with Spectre, I don't know how to do it. Since Spectre is combined with Cadence tool. I found I couldn't touch. Am I right? If I am correct, then I have only one way to get netlist from Cadence and use modified Spice to simulate it?


I would like to try to combine BSIM4 and Spice3f5 version before I start to work on substrate network. Has anyone work on BSIM4 and SPice3f5 so far?

Since I am poor in programming either, I really some instructions for the whole procedure.
I appreciate your help.


The official site of bsim4 and bsim3 with full source code.

1. h**p://

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