Need information regarding DC Pulsed supply

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Dec 17, 2021
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I came across this product --> pulsed DC system.

My design goal is to make a protoype for following specification
Input : 230V AC 50Hz
Output DC : Variable 250V to 1000V
Frequency output : variable 10kHz to 30kHz

Circuit probably might contain rectifier stage and then boost circuit and then switching circuit to produce the required output.
But I have no reference design to say which is the right method.
Also customer asked if features like " arc detection and quenching" can be provided. i have no idea what it is.
So if someone can help me understand what kind of system it is and where can I study more about it... would be helpful

Your pulsing on then off, so normal error amp designs wont work, as theyll be too slow getting up and just use say a constant off time controller, and pull its reference up and down......COT because no SHO. (sub harm osc)........tweak it right with a micro say....what current has to be drawn from the pulses?

Arc detection...thats just where you detect the constant current of the arc, i think, but wont the arc be extinguished in the pulse off intervals anyway?

what current has to be drawn from the pulses?
Current is between 1 & 1.5Amps (limited to 1kW)

Arc detection...thats just where you detect the constant current of the arc, i think, but wont the arc be extinguished in the pulse off intervals anyway?
Sorry, what do you mean by detecting constant current of arc? I think this type of Power supply system is used for sputtering materials to form film as shown below. How one must detect arc here?

Also customer asked if features like " arc detection and quenching" can be provided. i have no idea what it is.
hi! from the referenced power supply datasheet i can presume that the indicator of arc ignition is voltage change



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I would suggest finding an experienced power electronics consultant to get you started for this task - it is not for the newbie ..... its not possible to do this by having a big supply capacitor charged up to 250V, then switching a current source from it on and off at 10-30khz...?

....admitted the rise time has to be pretty small inductor.....but yes....error amp no good as it wont get started so to speak.......just emperically ramp a reference up and up till the pulse current is what you want.

.....but thats easy for me to say never having done one.

I did do an SMPS that had to smash on and off mains peak....and give a burst of light in a big LED...and it wasnt poss to use a normal error have to set the peak current threshold and use COT..and you got near enough what current you wanted like could measure it and tweak it exactly right with a micro too.


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