sorry teqno for not replying fast
i don't know what do u want in ur project , and what is in ur mind but i also just finished 1st year , and counter was one of the in-study projects that we take,
a counter is a very simple cct ,
its i/p is a pulse and its o/p is a no. on LED 7-seg display
i don't know what is ur info about the chips , so forgive me if i added unnecessary info.
u will need counter chip 7490,
its i/p is a pulse on the i/p pin and its o/p is BCD value on four o/p pins , it starts with zero and increase with every pulse to a certain BCD no u configure,
then u will need 7447 or 7448 (BCD to 7-seg decoder) , and a 7-seg display common anode,or common cathode (depends on the decoder)