I've been searching for a sine wave inverter,that takes 12 v DC car battery to 220V AC with about 100W power, but all the circuits that I've found has square wave output. I need it to power a computer speekers . Inverter 100W by IC 4047 + 2N3055 with PCB| Circuit Project
my first question is , will the square wave be able to pass through the transformer.
And if it passes , will it be good for the speekers.
And is there a simple way to produce a full sine wave at the same power rating.
yes square wave can pass through transformer. but if you need a sine wave you can serach on net about the sine wave oscilltor...like this one.... Sine wave oscillator
and if u need more easy solaution then use this ic and genarate sine wave of your own frquesny,amplitude,and duty cycle. Function Generator Circuit
ya you can use power amplifire circuit for example in your circuit current is increaesd by 2n3055 . and then transformer step up the volatge. search on net for power amplifier you will get results abput amplifying the signal.