Need help with control relay based on enc28j60 and Nuvoton m0517bn

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Newbie level 3
Jun 26, 2016
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I bought several very cheap China boards to do some basic smart home control at a hobby level. (I got what I paid for, I know...)

Here is the problem. They work exactly as expected, except they all have the same MAC address and therefore I can only have one on my network. I will not be dividing my network using vpn, so I'm hoping someone can offer me help with knowing how to reprogram them so I can adjust the MAC addresses. I have very limited programming skills and no knowledge of either of these chips, other than what I've read on the data sheets. If I'm understanding it correctly, these chips use a programmed Mac rather than a factory hard coded one. My guess is that the manufacturer is simply cloning these devices with no regard for adjusting this.

Here is a link to the boards which includes a description about how they work.

**broken link removed**

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks from a noob.

Ps. Administrator, if I've posted in the wrong forum, please help me to know where the thread should be. Thank you.

Having done a bit more research, I have found these boards are SainSmart Web_Relay_Control Version 1 boards.

not sure how you are going to manage this, you'll probably need the firmware running on the nuvoton MCU or at least know where the MAC address is located in the flash memory so you can rewrite it. Maybe you can read the flash with a programmer (unless it was locked for reading) and search for the MAC address you've got for the device, then modify it and erase/reprogram the flash.

- - - Updated - - -

Your part number m0517 doesn't match any nuvoton parts they have a m0516 and a m0518.

The part. Number confused me as well. I found a post somewhere that indicated the 517 is similar to the 516 except that the 516 had tighter tolerances for some of the specs... Well over my head.

So the question is, how might i read the chip? I have an old programmer i usedtowrite pic 16f series 12 or more years ago. Of course, this is a soic package, so I don't know how to connect it

I see Nuvoton sells a programmer and has software, but I haven't explored it. My programming knowledge is limited to adjusting a few variables in a well commented code... 10 years ago

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