Need help with analogLib spxtswitch in Cadence

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Newbie level 5
Mar 2, 2021
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I am trying to use an spxtswitch component to change between a closed loop and an open loop configuration for an OPAMP in simulation. Basically, inverting input of the OPAMP is connected to either a voltage source (open loop) or the the OPAMP output (closed loop). My questions are as follows:
  • As I understand from the documentation, switch position can be set separately for AC, DC, IC and Transient analysis.
  • I have an xf and ac analysis setup in ADE Assembler for the OPAMP. While all the switch positions are set to 1, my simulation results are as expected. However, when I change the DC position to another value (let's say for DC analysis it is set to 2), my xf and ac analysis results are skewed. DC analysis switch position affects the outcome of these tests, even though there is no DC analysis setup in the ADE Assembler.
  • What am I missing for the switch functionality? Why does my xf and ac analysis do not hold with different DC analysis switch positions?
Any help and info about this would be really appreciated.

Could you please share the Testbench diagram along with the schematic showing switch locations and the switch settings form. Only then can anyone meaningfully contribute and help you out.

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