Need help to impliment TCP/IP stacks for PIC microcontroller by MicroC pro compiler

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Mar 30, 2011
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I'm using EDGE modem to use internet in PC. i want to use this modem with microcontroller but this modem has not built in TCP/IP stack. So i need to design it by myself.
Need some example code of TCP/IP stacks for PIC's which is written by MicroC compiler.
Anyone please help me.

As far as I'm aware of, the basic uIP doesn't contain a PPP implementation as needed for your purpose. You may want to search the internet for existing PPP implementations that can work with uIP, lwIP or similar tiny TCP/IP stacks. Are you sure, that your EDGE modem doesn't provide a built-in TCP stack? What's the product?

Yah, I'm sure, It has no built-in TCP stack. If it has, how can i know what is the command to run it because it also has not user manual of specification manual. It's a chines product. Wyless_600. brand name: Hojy. Several time i try to contact with the manufacture company but the did not give any reply. That is why i deiced i will make it by my self and so that i studied many books but there are all gives theoretical explanation. but i need technical explanation.

What can i do now ? i will try to implement it "PPP" or TCP ? what is the technical difference between Point to point protocol and transmission control protocol. can i connect my MUC to HTTP,FTP,SMTP etc port by PPP nor i need TCP to connect my microcontroller with HTTP,FTP,SMTP .

O.K., let us simply assume, that the modem doesn't have a built-in TCP stack, only standard PPP interface.

PPP is a serial transport layer below IP in remote dial-in connection. It's replacing the ethernet MAC layer in the TCP/IP stack. The PPP protocol implementation has to be interfaced to the TCP/IP stack. You can e.g. refer to Microchip AN724 and internet standard RFC1661 for the basics. The PPP connection process is rather complex by the embedded negotiation of different protocol layers. Also additional points, e.g different authentification standards have to be considered. Fortunately, GPRS connections are usually skipping authentification.

After connecting through PPP, you can use all TCP protocols that are provided by the respective network service provider. Usually, inbound connections are partly restricted.

CCS has basically ported the Microchip TCP and PPP sources, it should be possible with mikroC somehow. But I'm not familiar with this compiler.

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